Fake Bananas is a fake news detector web app based on stance detection, natural language processing and machine learning.
At HackMIT 2017, Fake Bananas finished in the top 10 teams out of over 400 teams and 1250 hackers. Fake Bananas also
won Best AI/Hack for Social Good from Baidu and the prize for the Most Interesting Use of Data from Hudson River Trading.
Our fake news detection is based on the concept of stance detection. Fake news is tough to identify. Many 'facts' are
highly complex and difficult to check, or exist on a 'continuum of truth' or are compound sentences with act and fiction overlapping. The best way to
attack this problem is not through fact checking, but by comparing how reputable sources feel about a claim.

How FakeBananas works:
- 1. Users input a claim like "The Afghanistan war was bad for the world"
- 2. Our program will search the thousands of global and local news sources for their 'stance' on that topic.
- 3. We run sources through our Reputability Algorithm. If lots of reputable sources all agree with your claim, then it's probably true.
- 4. Then we cite our sources so our users can click through and read more about that topic!
Moving forward, we hope to launch a public facing web application and potentially even a browser plug-in that can detect news articles and display what our pipeline returns.
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